Access starts with Obvius
Handheld Image-Guided Needle Placement
Over 20 million1 central lines are placed globally each year, making this one of the most common medical procedures in the world
With 4-11%2 complications, this leads to 200,000 to 550,000 preventable complications per year
$26,7613 – The cost of one central line complication
We are democratizing vascular access
Fast and reliable performance for clinicians in one of health systems’ most commonly performed procedures.

Vessel targeting with CERTA™
Coming Soon: The world’s first Handheld Image-Guided Needle Placement device
In May 2023, OBVIUS Robotics completed its initial clinical cases with the CERTA™ handheld device. Users were able to quickly visualize the target vessel and advance a needle in seconds to the target location. This was done with 100% access success
across both experienced and inexperienced users.
Our Founding Story
The idea for OBVIUS Robotics was conceived when an emergent liver failure patient required a central line placed for life-saving medication to stabilize very low blood pressure. Despite significant expertise placing such lines, the critical care physician could not successfully gain vascular access with the difficult anatomy of this crashing patient. He eventually did, but was determined to find a better solution to address this common problem among both skilled and less experienced clinicians.

Announces $10 Million Series A Funding Round for its Hand-Held, Image Guided Vascular Access Device
OBVIUS RoboticsAnnounces Completion of Successful First-In-Human Cases
Get in Touch
For questions, introductions, or media inquiries, please reach out.
1. Kornbau et al, Central Line Complications, International Journal of Critical Illness & Injury Science, July-Sept 2015
2. McGee & Gould, Preventing Complications of Central Venous Catheterization, NEJM, March 20 2003; 348:1123-33 / Kornbau et al, Central Line Complications, International Journal of Critical Illness & Injury Science, July-Sept 2015
3. McGee DC, Gould MK. Preventing complications of central venous catheterization. N Engl J Med 2003; 348:1123-33. [PubMed: 12646670] / Zahn C,et al., “Excess Length of Stay, Charges & Mortality Attributable to Medical Injuries During Hospitalization”, JAMA, 2003, 90: 1868-1874
*The CERTA Access System is not approved or cleared for use in patients in any geography at this time.